
Ascreenshotisjustascreenshot.UntilyouuseScreenFloat.Unleashthepowerofscreenshotsand-recordingsandmakethemfloataboveallotherwindows, ...,2024年5月14日—Ascreenshotisjustascreenshot.UntilyouuseScreenFloat.Unleashthepowerofscreenshotsand-recordingsandmakethemfloataboveall ...,ScreenFloatisaone-timepurchaseontheMacAppStore.TheapprequiresmacOSMonterey12.0ornewer(macOS14Sonomarecommended).,FloatingSh...

ScreenFloat - Screenshot Tools on the Mac App Store

A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat. Unleash the power of screenshots and -recordings and make them float above all other windows, ...

在Mac App Store 上的「ScreenFloat

2024年5月14日 — A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat. Unleash the power of screenshots and -recordings and make them float above all ...

ScreenFloat. Power up your Screenshots

ScreenFloat is a one-time purchase on the Mac App Store. The app requires macOS Monterey 12.0 or newer (macOS 14 Sonoma recommended).

ScreenFloat for Mac

Floating Shots you hide are grouped together by the date they were hidden at. While you can quickly unhide all shots using the keyboard shortcut (by default, ...

ScreenFloat Your Screenshots

2024年3月23日 — ScreenFloat is my current choice of screenshot utility for the Mac because of its functionality and customizability.

ScreenFloat 極為好用的截圖工具!內建四種截圖模式

2017年5月16日 — ScreenFloat for Mac 試用版需到官網下載,App Store 為付費版(270 元)。安裝完成後首次開啟會跳出訊息,直接點選打開即可。

ScreenFloat 2.0

2024年1月17日 — ScreenFloat 2.0 is a Mac-only screenshot utility from Matthias Gansrigler of Eternal Storms Software. As Gansrigler explains, the app is ...

ScreenFloat v2.2 for Mac

2024年6月18日 — 2, introducing video cutting, enhanced link sharing, AppleScript integration, interactive release notes, and more. With ScreenFloat, you take ...